
Friday, 27 September 2019


Hi everyone, today I'm going to show you this book called Holes. It's a great book to read, if you love reading books and if you are interested in this. Here is a biteable of HOLES!

HOLES on Biteable.

Finding Fractions!

Hi bloggers, this term we have been working on finding fractions. I love them, they are sort of easy to me is it to you and when was stuck Luna helped me with some of the work that I was given. If you don't know them, you could use your times tables and that will be more easier. Also when you learn you could teach little kids this but make sure that they know their times tables.
Here is the slide if you would like to learn!

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

The Fun and Awesome Skiing Day!

Hi Everyone! Today My class and another class went the funniest place ever! SKIING! At the first place I went there I thought I was going to hurt myself really bad because it was my first time Skiing. When I went there I saw a magic carpet, I saw a cardboard SpongeBob with a thumbs up sign and it was actually took really long to get out. My Dad came with me, we both slided on the snow and I fall a couple of times. Then I ate burgers for my lunch, I looked pretty hungry and I drank juice I was full. I did some more skiing, it was time for lessons and I did pretty good. I was really proud of myself, I was allowed to go on the chair things because my dad came with me and I tell you it was freezing when we were getting on the top.
Here are some fun photos!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Don't Panic the answer is... ( Home Learning)

Hi everyone, today I going to show you my last Home blog for this term. Do you know the answer of my question? I will show you how on my slide, but it doesn't has to be maths we could do it others ways to if you know how to. But this one is about maths, I am going to plus it and addition it.  If you want to know the answer then you could watch my way. You can also do it by subtracting and minusing. Here it my combing scenes! 
I hope you teach others too!

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Math is cool! ( Home Learning )

Hi bloggers, today I'm going to teach you something about Maths. You might know this but you can teach younger kids too. I kind of like Maths, do you like maths? Well, you might like my example of teaching people maths. Here is my slide of Maths!

Friday, 13 September 2019

My Writing ( The Poor Woman )

Hi there bloggers, today I'm going to show you what I have written, a long write called the poor woman. Here is my long write in a slide.


Hi there, today I'm going to show you our last, final day of our winter sports. I was really sad when it was the final day of hockey. But it was nice of Mrs Taylor handing out candy, there was jelly and there was M&M's. I chose M&M's because I am not allowed to have them and when I ate them, they were so delicious. I so wish winter sports were back! Here are the photos of Hockey, Netball and Football! 

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

My Amazing and Coolest Writing!

Hi amazing Bloggers, today I'm going to show you my coolest writing in the whole world! I have got more than 250, I got 277! I like my writing and I am really proud of it, I hope you will like it because I do like it very much! The title of my writing is The Kitten and The Three Little Wolves! Here is my awesome writing!  I hope you enjoy reading it!

The kitten and three wolfs
One day in a far off land, there lived three little wolves. The first wolf was making noodles for the second
and third food because they were so hungry when the first wolf tasted the noodles it was super hot.
They all said to go for a walk so the  noodles can be a bit cold so they put their hats and went on. Soon
there was a kitten that was doing the same thing as the three little wolves. 

The Little Kitten saw a little cottage, she went inside and smells something… she thought it was her
lucky day! The kitten was getting hungry, she saw three bowls foal of noodles and tastes the first one
she said it’s too hot so she tastes the second one and she says that it is not that tasty but when she
tries the third one and it is just right. After that, she sees chairs, she sits on the first chair but it’s too
hard to climb then she sits on the second chair and that is not really comfortable but when  she sits on
the third chair and it is just right. 

The little kitten feels sleepy and finds three bedrooms, she goes on the first bed and it is not comfortable,
she goes on the second bedroom and it is too high but when she goes on the third bedroom and it was
just right. The wolves go back to their cottage, they see their noodles, they are terrified but they
zzounds they go to their rooms… THEY CHASE CAT! And off the cat goes back to her home.


Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Hi guys, today I'm going to tell you what I did on Monday the 2nd. The lucky only girls, the people that went there was Me, Delilah, Olivia P, Jedi, Julia, Mika, Jorja, Mrs Taylor and Lynder. We went to the Avonhead School. We did some funny dancings like the chicken, the hot potato, the moose and the piano. We sang along time, it took about 2 hours and then it finally ended. I was tired, that I could hardly walk but then I went to school to home. Here are the photos and here is a video!


Hi amazing bloggers, today I'm going to show you our super star visitor, Karyn Wilson. She made lovely books with her friend Jessica Walters. If you want to know her and her books, click here to go on her website.  Because she has done a good effort and has done a wonderful job. I loved her books when she was reading it, my favourite book was Kereru BBQ. Here are the photos on Biteable!


An Invention or Discovery ( Home Learning )

Hey Bloggers, today I'm going to tell you a question... Is Maths an Invention or Discovery? will you tell me what it is?  I asked my family about what it was and they said it, and I wrote it on a google drawing. I wrote it in speech bubbles I quite enjoyed doing it and it was fun doing it. Here is all the google drawing wrote. My Sister, Maruim chose Discovery, My sister ,IIahah chose invention, My Mum chose discovery and My Dad chose invention.
What will you pick?